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New Year's Resolutions Be Damned

I would like to share my 3 very simple daily practices that have brought me a feeling of fulfillment and peace. Anyone can do them, and they are life and time enhancing rather than burdensome or shame filled if I miss a day. I do however rarely miss a day, because these simple practices bring me a lot of pleasure and peace.

New Year's Resolutions Be Damned

I would like to share my 3 very simple daily practices that have brought me a feeling of fulfillment and peace. Anyone can do them, and they are life and time enhancing rather than burdensome or shame filled if I miss a day. I do however rarely miss a day,...

Winter Water Wisdom

The season of winter in Chinese medicine is represented by the element of water. Winter energies are the most yin (cold, dark, slow, inward), and relate to rest, introspection, darkness, germination and fertility. Winter, of all the seasons, especially in ancient times, was the most challenging season to our survival.  If you find...

An Introduction to 5-Element Theory

The 5 Element theory is foundational to Chinese medicine, whose roots are deep in history. Traced back to the Song Dynasty (AD 1000). The 5-element system, simply stated, is a way to observe the flow of nature in its constructive and destructive patterns.

Fighting Free Radical Damage

The levels of pollution in our air, including all of the smoke that currently covers the Western United States, is an assault on our bodies and the earth down to our cellular levels. Is there anything that can be done to minimize the effects of exposure to these free radical...

Living In Harmony

While ornamental gardens offer their unique pleasures, I truly missed growing plants that I could use more medicinally, and for nourishing my family. I wanted to be able to provide all of the botanical components that we were using in Essential Apothecary Alchemist products. I loved Seattle, but after over...

The Art Of Being Yourself

The art of being yourself as told in a TED talk by Caroline McHugh. Look at yourself and allow the you to come through! Let your one-of-a-kind shine!

In the Eyes of the Beholder

Some people are naturally hard on themselves, born with an innate need to seek “perfection.” Others have adopted the accumulated voices from our past, the media, family, and friends that can be less than flattering to an already fragile sense of self. These mostly unconscious messages make groves of repetition, and cultivate a...

What You're Really Paying For In 'Luxury' Skincare

If you make a salad full of fresh, organic vegetables, and then you dress it with a dressing made of petroleum, aluminum, and denatured alcohol, would you consider the salad healthy for you?

Spring Cleaning Time

Each of our 5 seasons, also has an element, a time of day, an organ system, a color, a direction, a sound, a flavor, and even an odor. We are entering the Spring season and the element that rules spring is Wood. The organs related to the wood element are...

A Port In The Storm

In this challenging time, all of us here at EAA are keeping our thoughts in a loving and trusting place. We are all powerful creators, even with our thoughts, so take time to surrender your fears and worries over to the divine. This too shall pass. There are things you...

Skin Deep: A Tale Of Marine Phytoplankton

Our skin is made up of 64% water, almost as much as the 71% water that covers the earth's surface. Billions of years ago, tiny microorganisms with the ability to exchange energy from the sun into vital nutrients, thrived in the earth’s oceans. These early stirrings of photosynthetic processes, were...

Esoteric Alchemy

The ultimate task of the alchemist is to uncover the mysteries within. To fix the attention on what is Real and True, and rise above the limits of the physical, mental, and emotional consciousness, and leave the karmic wheel and become First Cause. Devotion through love transmutes the base consciousness...

Green Beauty Guide

Revisiting the most lovely moments of 2019, we came across this article by Green Beauty Guide on a recent visit to our former studio in Seattle.  Read on to hear some more expert favorites!

2019: A Year Full Of Changes

I know I don’t need to tell you all how fast time flies by. 2019 has been a big year of change for EAA, and I want to fill all of you in on the details. It has been a lifelong dream of mine to have property on which I could...

Featured Artist: Etta Lilienthal

Join us in our Studio Workshop for Ballard Art Walk this month on July 13th from 5 to 7pm, for an opening reception featuring the water colors of Etta Lilienthal. 

The Dangers of Rancid Oil In Your Beauty Products

Good skin care products will contain a fair amount of oil in them. Oils are usually about half of the ingredients for face creams and body lotions, while a good serum is almost all, if not all, oil. So, with such a concentrated amount of one ingredient in a product,...